During my spring 2023 semester of college, I completed my capstone course, contemporary conversations in communication. Throughout the semester, I was responsible for posting content on SUNY Oneonta’s School of Liberal Arts and Business instagram page, also known as SLAB. My concentrated beat for this course was Did You Know?, posted every Wednesday, where I highlighted important upcoming dates and events both within SLAB and the SUNY Oneonta community. Below are examples of work I completed while in this course.

Examples of content I created throughout this course.

During this course, I also created a digital flyer for SLAB’s Exclusive Networking Event that took place on April 12th, 2023. This flyer was emailed to students in SLAB.

Listed below is my early work in the semester. However, after receiving advice from my professor and peers, I edited my work to make it more visually appealing to the audience.

While enrolled in this course, I also made an infographic for perspective students and families interested in SLAB:

Infographic that I created for SLAB